About History@fedgov |
History@fedgov presents a comprehensive and complete list of every known history page created by a federal agency, as well as links to the major federal historical resource sites. It is an Outreach effort of the Society for History in the Federal Government. The main purpose is to better educate the public about the history of their government. Over time, History@fedgov plans to develop original teaching and learning tools and other educational content. It will also be a tool to promote enrichment of existing federal history pages and encourage the creation of new pages.
We welcome your comments and questions on this Web page to SHFGoutreach@gmail.com
Judson MacLaury, Curator
Departmental Historian (retired)
U.S. Dept. of Labor
These organizations have provided support for History@fedgov:
Government Documents Round Table of the American Library Association (GODORT).
National Active and Retired Federal Employees (NARFE).
SHFG Outreach Task Group (OTG)
The OTG was created in 2017, with Judson MacLaury as Chair. It developed the original concept of the Web page and helped plan and design the members-only Beta and current public versions.
Advisory Committee
The OTG was renamed the permanent Advisory Committee (AC) for History@fedgov. The members are:
Judson MacLaury, Chair
Carl Ashley, Historian’s Office, Department of State
Christine Blackerby, Exhibits Curator, U.S. Capitol Visitors Center
Elizabeth Charles, Historian’s Office, Department of State
David Coy, Social Media Consultant
Benjamin Guterman, Editor, SHFG Federal History journal
Daniel S. Holt, U.S. Senate Historical Office
Lee Ann Potter, Director, Educational Outreach, Library of Congress
Michael Reis, Senior Vice President, History Associates, Inc.
Donald Ritchie, Senate Historian Emeritus
Marc Rothenberg, Research Associate, Smithsonian Institution Archives
Gwen Sinclair, Government Documents Librarian, University of Hawai'i at Mānoa Library
Zachary Wilske, Past PresIdent, SHFG
The Public Education Project
Judson MacLaury, Director
Special Adviser: Benjamin Guterman
David Coy
Lee Ann Potter
Michael Reis
Donald Ritchie
Gwen Sinclair
As of April 8, 2019, the former Subcommittee on Promoting Understanding of Government has been renamed the Public Education Project to more accurately reflect its nature and mission. It will operate on a collaborative basis with the parent SHFG. The Subcommittee was established by History@fedgov Curator Judson MacLaury as an exploratory effort after an October 2018 meeting with the three other original members: Lee Ann Potter, Michael Reis, and Donald Ritchie. Concerned about the decline of Americans' knowledge of and interest in the history of their federal government, we decided to work to capture public interest in this subject.
The mission of the Public Education Project will be to promote the history of their federal government to the American people. By counteracting misinformation, providing an honest vision of government, and enhancing citizen involvement, this enterprise will aim to more fully serve the common good. To realize these goals, we will focus on producing and broadcasting historical messages nationally, providing educational and learning tools for K-16 to be posted on History@fedgov, developing that website further, and generally promoting federal history in any way we can.
Volunteers for History@fedgov
The following individuals performed important tasks in the completion of the Web page:
David Coy, AC
Benjamin Guterman, AC
Michael Reis, AC
Marc Rothenburg, AC
Gwen Sinclair, AC
Cathaleen Skinner, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Special thank you: Elizabeth Charles of the AC was invaluable in getting this page up and running on the SHFG Website.
Website Design by Natalya Brandt of Web Maven, Castro Valley, California.
Title background: L'Enfant Plan of Washington, 1791, Library of Congress.
Background banner color photos©, Judson MacLaury.
All other photos, National Archives.